The Countdown

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Here we are in February 2011. I decided to check in here and re-assess my goals. Currently my financial goals are number 1. But as I begin to get those back on track, I'm hoping to look beyond them and re-shape the rest of my goals as well.

My financial goals are simple to  list, but difficult to achieve. It's mostly about getting out of debt. However, I'm hoping to use a lot of hacks & coupons to still get a lot out of life while spending very little money.

My health goals are harder to define. I want to lose weight - about 15 to 20 pounds - but I also want to generally be more active. I'd like to be able to walk up 3 flights of stairs without feeling wiped out.

I have yet to quantify my decluttering goals, but having my apartment not be a probable fire hazard is one of them. I'm planning a big yard sale for the spring.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Quick update

Visit to Boston, accomplished. (And thoroughly enjoyed!)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Long Overdue UpdateI

Well, soon after my last post I got laid off from my job. All the savings goals are on hold. I've run through most of my savings, and I'm barely staying afloat. But I won''t go into that here.

I'm working on multiple streams of income. I've signed on as a consultant with 3 direct sales companies, I'm actively searching for consulting projects, and I'm experimenting with affiliate marketing links on my blogs.

I feel as though I have mastered crockpot roast beef. Also, I experimented & made a chicken & vegetable stew that was based on the chicken & dumplings recipe. Now I need to find a soup recipe to try.

I've picked out a closet system, which is good because now I have to replace the shelf in the hall closet as well.

I donated to a clothing drive, and I'm preparing a book donation now.

I went to California in March, but I don't think I can count that as I was mostly working.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Status Report: 1 month down, 32 to go

I have mastered a new crockpot recipe (thanks to the crockpot lady): chicken & dumplings.

Netflix queue is down to 91.

Blockbuster queue is down to 417.

I'm planning to split a farm share with two friends. Signup should happen sometime around the beginning of March.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Lesson Learned

So, as you've probably noticed, I wasn't able to post every day. It started with me missing 1 day at which point I realized I still didn't have anything to say. I chose this blog to participate in NaBloPoMo because I thought it would be a good jumpstart to working on my list. However, this is a bad blog to try to post in every day; this blog is about progress and accomplishing things on my list. I don't work on my list every day. So I don't have something to blog every day. I think my next attempt will be with my food blog - because I eat every day :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

first mobile post

I'm on my way to Blockbuster. I've reduced my queue by 7 in the past week. It is a very good thing I have so much time to get through these. However my movie-watching progress seems to have come at the expense of any craft progress.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

One week down

I was listening to the radio today and they were talking about how many people have already broken their New Year's Resolutions.

I think there are only two reasons someone would not even last a week on their resolutions. One is if the resolutions were only lip service in the first place; the other is if the resolution is so unrealistic or unattainable that it actually falls apart within 7 days. Things like "I'm going to ___________ every day" are an example.

I tried to avoid that in making my list of 101 things. I did choose to include some "every day for a month" items, but I have 33 chances to complete them.