The Countdown

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Brief Updates

* I've added links to relevant entries in the list, so that people can know what I'm talking about.

*Unfortunately, I just *added* 3 movies to my Netflix queue. I logged in to get the link and they were recommending Eddie Izzard DVDs to me.

*At some point, probably over the summer, I'll have to increase my Netflix subscription. Right now I'm at the lowest level - 1 at a time with a maximum of 2 per month. At that rate it will take me 4 years to move through my whole list. I'm also hoping that I can borrow some of those titles from the library.

* I added 17 books to my "read" shelf, bringing my total to 38.

*I'm planning to go back to yoga tomorrow, but I'm pretty nervous. I don't know if I can handle a 90 minute yoga class out of the blue.

*I looked for a spice rack at Target today, but didn't find one. I hope this isn't going to become difficult.

*The craft projects are coming along ok; the scarf for Aunt M is about half done.

*And in keeping with the NaBloPoMo theme, even though I don't really want to go back to work tomorrow, I'm thankful I have a job to go back to.

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