The Countdown

Friday, January 2, 2009

Where it stands now

Here are some starting points, where relevant.

Fitness stuff
I have walked a 5K; I do about an 18-minute mile.
I weigh 188 lbs.
Last time I tried, I could only do the Pilates 100 for about 25 before I had to rest.

Finance stuff
My emergency fund is about $500.
My checking account is 15% of one paycheck ahead.

Craft stuff
I'm currently working on 6 scarves for gifts.
The quilt is about 20% done.
My ravelry queue has 21 projects on it

Other stuff
My Netflix queue is at 91.
My Blockbuster queue is at 428. (The problem is all the TV series.)
My read shelf has 21 books on it.

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